About The Client

AMKAS specializes working with and for the Nepali women workers: both domestic and migrants. AMKAS has been widely recognized as a pioneer organization working in the field despite short period of its existence.

Amkash Nepal
 Case Study of social welfare organization

Case Study of social welfare organization

Aaprabasi Mahila Kamdar Samuha (AMKAS) Nepal

Aprabasi Mahila Kamdar Samuha (AMKAS) also known as the Returnee Women Migrant Workers’ Group, is a civil society organization led and run by returnee women migrant workers. It was established by a group of well-known and experience Nepali migrant rights’ activist in 2016.

Aprabasi Mahila Kamdar Samuha (AMKAS) Nepal is a civil society organization led and managed by returnee women migrant workers.  It was established by a group of well-known and experience Nepali migrant rights’ activist in 2016. Our main objectives are:

  • To organize female migrant workers who have returned, in order to improve collective bargaining on issues affecting migrant workers at the local, provincial, national, regional, and international levels.
  • To design and implement innovative plans, programs and actions on widening the scope of awareness generation and ethical recruitment practices of the women workers at the ground level.
  • To make sure that policies that are supportive of women workers are implemented correctly and that their rights are respected, fulfilled, guaranteed, and safeguarded.

Technology Used:

  • Frontend: HTML / CSS / JQuery , Bootstrap

  • Backend: Laravel, Php Framework, Ajax

  • Database: Mysql

Tools Used: Visual Studio Code and Figma

Our Role

  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • UI / UX Design

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Our experience in delivering complex projects has given us the opportunity to work with clients from a wide range of sectors: Industry, transport and services. With these sectors we developed unique cases studies that highlight our expertise and value.

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